Inserita in Sport il 24/06/2015
Mercoledì a motori spenti, vigilia del lungo weekend di Italian Baja che da domani a domenica vedrà protagonisti i veicoli della Coppa del Mondo FIA Cross Country Rally (auto e camion) e FIM Bajas (moto e quad). Il totale di 112 iscritti provenienti da 3 continenti e 25 nazioni è un ottimo risultato e si avvicina al record 2008 quando la corsa faceva base al Dream Village di Cordenons, in pratica l’ultima edizione senza il morso della crisi economica. Allora furono 185 i concorrenti contro i 179 di quest’anno, posto che nelle auto (63) ci sono pilota e navigatore, mentre nei camion (2) sale a bordo anche un meccanico. Festival degli idiomi. Si parleranno assieme russi e lituani, kazaki e lettoni, l’argentino e il peruviano, brasiliani e colombiano. Arabi da Qatar, Giordania, Emirati, contro tutto l’arco europeo dal Portogallo alla Bielorussia. Tanto per gradire, durante la gara in Fiera a Pordenone sarà aperto lo stand del ristorante “il Gaucho” con i piatti tipici della Pampa. Italian Baja, Festival’s eve
Motor off on Wednesday, on Italian Baja’s eve, the day which precedes the long weekend, hosting from tomorrow to Sunday race’s protagonists, the vehicles taking part in the FIA World Cup for Cross Country Rally (car and truck) and FIM Bajas (bike and quad). Totally 112 entries, made by participants coming from 3 Continents and 25 Nations; it represents an excellent result, which sounds almost as great as the one got in 2008, when the race was hosted at the Dream Village in Cordenons, that’s to say the last edition before economic crises. At that time challengers were 185, while this year they are 179, considering that cars (63) are represented by driver and navigator, while trucks (2) have one more seat for the mechanic. It could be considered be also as a language Festival, as participants will speak Russian and Lithuanian, Kazakh and Latvian, Argentinian Spanish and Peruvian Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Colombian Spanish; challengers will reach us from Qatar, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, as well as from all Europe, from Portugal to Belarus. During the race, the Pordenone Fair will also host the “Il Gaucho” restaurant, where to taste typical Pampas dishes.